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Private Group

You can add/edit/delete groups to be used privately.
The group can be used in the following applications.
All the Reservations Circulation/Report Whereabouts
Information Facility Reservation Document
User List    
1. To Create a Private Group

Step 1-1. Click "Profile" Link
Click "Profile" link on the portal.

Step 1-2. Click .
Click this tab.

Step 1-3. Click .
Click [Create New Group] in the Create Private Groups screen.

Step 1-4. Enter Private Group Name
Enter private group name in [Group Name].

Step 1-5. Select Users in the Group
Select users from [Select User] and add them to [Private Group Members].

Step 1-6. Click .
Click this button to create the group. The group will be displayed in the group list.
2. To Edit a Private Group

Step 2-1. Click "Profile" Link
The same as the step 1-1.

Step 2-2. Click .
The same as Step 1-2.

Step 2-3. Click "Group Name" Link
Click "Group Name" link in Create Private Groups screen.

Step 2-4. Enter Private Group Name
Enter private group name in [Group Name].

Step 2-5. Select Users in the Group
Select users from [Select User] and add them to [Private Group Members].

Step 2-6. Click .
Click this button to create the group. The group will be displayed in the group list.
* Click [Delete] button to delete the group.

3. To Delete Private Groups

Step 3-1. Click "Profile" Link
The same as the step 1-1.

Step 3-2. Click .
The same as Step 1-2.

Step 3-3. Select Groups You Want to Delete
Select groups you want to delete in the [Selection Range].
Selection Range Description
Checked Groups in state will be selected.
the Groups in This Page
All the groups displayed in this page will be selected.
All All the groups will be selected regardless of whether groups are displayed in the list or not.

Step 3-4. Click .
When you click this button a confirmation message will be displayed.

Step 3-5. Click .
Click this button to complete the deletion.

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