desknet's Multilingual Manual
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Circular/Report Search

Circulars/reports which match the search criteria are displayed.
* You should open Sub-window to use this function.

Step 1. Enter or Specify the Search Criteria
You can search circulars by [Attachments], [Keyword]、[Author], [Priority], [Date Created].
Field Description
Attach Search circulars to which attachment file(s) is attached.
* It searches for attachment files in circular/report, and not for attachment files in the comment field.
Keyword Search by [Subject], [Details].
Use "," (comma) to separate keywords if you want to specify more than one keyword.
Author Search by Author
Priority Search by [Priority].
Date Created Search by the period of created date.

Step 2. Click .
Search results will be displayed.

* Search Results
The circulars/reports which match the specified search criteria are displayed.
Click the subject link of a circular/report in the list to read the circular/report.

Circulars/Reports Screen
You can edit the comment you added.
* If you are the system or circulation/report administrator, all the comments are editable. If you are the group administrator, the comments which your group members created are editable.
* You cannot comments for completed circulars/reports.
* You cannot add comments on this screen.

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