desknet's Multilingual Manual
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To Delete an Event

1. Step 1-1.

Click the Link of the Event
Click the event link on [Group/Day], [Group/Week], [Day], [Week], [Month] or [Search Results] view.

Step 1-2. Click .
When you click a confirmation message will be displayed.
Step 1-3. Click .
Click on the confirmation screen to complete the deletion.

2. To Delete a Recurring/Irregular Event

Step 2-1. Click the Link of the Recurring Event
icon will be displayed at recurring events.

Step 2-2. Select the Events You Want to Delete
Select the range to edit/delete the recurring events in [Range of Edit/Delete].

Step 2-3. Click .
When you click this button a confirmation message will be displayed.
Step 2-4. Click .
Click button to delete events you selected in [Range of Edit/Delete].

Field e.g.
Range of Edit/Delete The reservation on 3/5/2002 only
The reservations on and after 3/5/2002
All the Events
Access Rights
If you don't have the Delete right in [Access Rights Settings], you cannot delete other user's events.
[Delete] button will not be displayed if you don't have the Delete right for the reservation.

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