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Reserving Facility

Step 1. Click button.
Click button on [Group/Day], [Group/Week], [Day], [Week] or [Month] view.

Step 2. Enter or Specify the Information

Field Description
Start Date/Time Specify the start date/time of the reservation.
End Date/Time Specify the end date/time of the reservation.
Purpose Select from items set as purposes or enter purpose.
* See below.
Details Enter the detail of the reservation.
Option Set the type of reservation. If you don't want to make the reservation open to other users, check Confidential". (However the administrators can see all the reservations)
Click this button to display several icons to select one of them.
* If "Reserve Restriction" option is set to "Restrict", any options other than Tentative cannot be selected.
(Except the administrators and administrators of Facility Reservation)
Show Time as (for Facility/Day View) In [Day] view, the schedule can be colored. You can select the color.
Facilities Select facilities to be reserved.
Register Users If you want to add the reservation as an event to other users and groups, click [Select].
* See below.
Attachment Files You can attach files to the reservation.
Recurring Event If you want to reserve facilities regularly, at intervals, select the intervals.
Irregular Event You can select dates freely for the reservation.
Select date by year/month/day or the calendar.

* Be sure to enter [Purpose], [Details] or [Option] (except banner fields).

Step 3. Click .
Click this button to reserve the facility.
To Select Facilities to be Reserved
When [Use JavaScript] in [General Design Preferences] is set to "Use".

Step 1. Click in [Facilities].
Click in [Facilities] on the Add screen.

Step 2. Check Facilities
You choose a group from [Group] to change the view.

For more information, please refer this guide.

Step 3. Click [OK]
Click this button to add the facilities. They are displayed in [Facilities].

To Select Facilities to be Reserved
When [Use JavaScript] in [General Design Preferences] is set to "Do Not Use".

Step 1. Click in [Facilities].
Click in [Facilities] on the Add screen.

Step 2. Check Facilities
You choose a group from [Group] to change the view.

Step 3. Click .
Click this button to add the facilities. They are displayed in [Facilities].

To Select Users
When [Use JavaScript] in [General Design Preferences] is set to "Use".

Step 1. Click in [Register Users]
Click in [Register Users] on the Add screen.

Step 2. Select Users
Select users to whom you want to add the event.

For more information, please refer this guide.

Step 3. Click [OK]
Click [OK] button to add the users. They are displayed in [Register Users].

To Select Users
When [Use JavaScript] in [General Design Preferences] is set to "Do Not Use".

Step 1. Click in [Register Users]
Click in [Register Users] on the Add screen.

Step 2. Select Users
Click this button to display the user selection screen.
Select users to whom you want to add the event.

For more information, please refer this guide.

In <Way of Notification>, you can send a notification message to the users you selected via E-mail and/or Whereabouts message.

Step 3. Click .
Click this button to add the users. They are displayed in [Register Users].

Purpose Item Settings
You can add purpose items which are used in [Purpose] in [General Options]-[Purpose Item Settings].

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