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Parts Description in CSV File for Import

1. Label (Single Line)
In the file, specify "Control No., Text to Be Displayed, Font Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Text Alignment, Font Color, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 1.
(2) Text to Be Displayed Specify the text. The maximum length is 127 characters.
(3) Font Size Specify the font size of the text.
1 to "7" is valid. * If you do not specify this field, it will be "2".
(4) Bold If you specify "Bold" or "1", the text you specified in "Text to be displayed" will be displayed with bold style.
(5) Italic If you specify "Italic" or "1", the text you specified in "Text to be displayed" will be displayed with italic style.
(6) Underline If you specify "Underline" or "1", the text you specified in [Text to be Displayed] will be displayed with underline style.
(7) Text Alignment Specify the text alignment.
If you specify "2" or "Center", the text will be aligned at center. "3" or "Right" is for right alignment,
otherwise it is left alignment.
(8) Font Color Specify the color of the text.
Specify the following value.
Color #FFFF00 Color #808000 Color #FF0000 Color #800000
Color #00FFFF Color #008080 Color #00FF00 Color #008000
Color #FF00FF Color #800080 Color #0000FF Color #000080
Color #FFFFFF Color #C0C0C0 Color #808080 Color #000000
(9) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if "Text Alignment" of this control is "Center" or "Right" or the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)",and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.

e.g.) If you import "1,Label (Single Line),3,Bold,Italic,Underline,Center,#FF0000,", the result will be as follows.

Label (Single Line)

2. Label (Multi Line)
In the file, specify "Control No., Text to Be Displayed, Font Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Text Alignment, Font Color, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 2.
(2) Text to Be Displayed Specify the text. The maximum length is 127 characters.
(3) Font Size Specify the font size of the text.
1 to "7" is valid. * If you do not specify this field, it will be "2".
(4) Bold If you specify "Bold" or "1", the text you specified in "Text to be displayed" will be displayed with bold style.
(5) Italic If you specify "Italic" or "1", the text you specified in "Text to be displayed" will be displayed with italic style.
(6) Underline If you specify "Underline" or "1", the text you specified in [Text to be Displayed] will be displayed with underline style.
(7) Text Alignment Specify the text alignment.
If you specify "2" or "Center", the text will be aligned at center. "3" or "Right" is for right alignment,
otherwise it is left alignment.
(8) Font Color Specify the color of the text.
Specify the following value.
Color #FFFF00 Color #808000 Color #FF0000 Color #800000
Color #00FFFF Color #008080 Color #00FF00 Color #008000
Color #FF00FF Color #800080 Color #0000FF Color #000080
Color #FFFFFF Color #C0C0C0 Color #808080 Color #000000
(9) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if "Text Alignment" of this control is "Center" or "Right" or the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)",and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.

e.g.) "2,Label (Multi Line),1,Bold,Italic,Underline,Right,#FF0000,", the result will be as follows.

Label (Multi Line)

3.Text Box (Single Line)
In the file, specify "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Width, Initial Value, Mandatory, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 3.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Width Specify the width of the control in number of characters.
The maximum is 99. If you omit it, the default value "20" is assigned.
(5) Initial Value Specify the text that will be displayed as the default text.
(6) Mandatory Specify whether the text input is mandatory.
If you specify "Mandatory" or "1" for this field, the field will be mandatory field.
(7) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.

e.g.) If you import "3,Text Box (Single Line),H,40,Initial text,Mandatory,", the result will be as follows.


4. Text Box (Multi Line)
In the file, specify "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Columns, Rows, Initial Value, Mandatory, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 4.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Columns Specify the number of columns. The maximum is 99.
* If you do not specify this field, it will be "20".
(5) Rows Specify the number of rows. The maximum is 99.
* If you do not specify this field, it will be 2.
(6) Initial Value Specify the text that will be displayed as the default text.
(7) Mandatory Specify whether the text input is mandatory.
If you specify "Mandatory" or "1" for this field, the field will be mandatory field.
(8) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.

e.g.) "4,Text Box (Multi Line),Hide,40,4,Initial Text,Mandatory,", the result will be as follows.

5. Number
In a file, "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Unit, Unit (Position), Maximum Value, Minimum Value, Initial Value, Mandatory, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 5.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
* Mandatory field.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Unit Specify the unit of the numeric field. The maximum length is 63 byte.
(5) Unit (Position) Specify whether the unit specified in [Unit] filed will be displayed after or before the numeric field.
If you specify "After" or "1", it will be displayed after the numeric field.
(6) Maximum Value Specify the maximum value that users can input.
The value should be from "-999999999999" to "999999999999".
(7) Minimum Value Specify the minimum value that users can input.
The value should be from "-999999999999" to "999999999999".
(8) Initial Value Specify the number that will be displayed as the default value.
(9) Mandatory Specify whether the numeric input is mandatory.
If you specify this field by "Mandatory" or "1", it will be mandatory.
(10) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.

e.g.) If you import "5,Number,H,Unit,After,999999999999,-999999999999,1234567890,,", the result will be as follows.


6. Date
In a file, "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Year Format, Year (Initial Value), Month (Initial Value), Day (Initial Value), Mandatory, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 6.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Year Format Specify Year Format.
If you specify "2", it will be 2 digit, otherwise it will be 4 digit.
(5) Year (Initial Value) Specify year that will be displayed as the default year.
You should specify this field by the digit you specified in [Year Format] filed.
(6) Month (Initial Value) Specify month that will be displayed as the default month.
Specify this field by "1" to "12".
(7) Day (Initial Value) Specify day that will be displayed as the default day.
Specify this field by "1" to "31".
(8) Mandatory Specify whether the date input is mandatory.
If you specify this field by "Mandatory" or "1", it will be mandatory.
(9) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.

e.g.) If you import "6,Start Date:,,4,2005,1,1,,", the result will be as follows.

Start Date:

7. Check Box
In the file, specify "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Selection Value, Initial State, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 7.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Initial State Specify whether the check box is checked as the default.
If you specify "Select" or "1", the check box will be checked.
(5) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.
(6) Selection Value Specify the text that will be displayed at the right of the check box. The maximum length is 127 characters.

e.g.) If you import "7,Quality of Product:,,,,Very good", the result will be as follows.

Quality of Product: Very good

8. Radio Button
In the file, specify "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Initial State, Mandatory, Position to Add, Value (Allow Plural Selection)".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 8.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Initial State Specify the value that will be selected as the default.
You should specify one of the value you specified in "Value (Plural is acceptable)".
(5) Mandatory Specify whether selection is mandatory.
If you specify this field by "Mandatory" or "1", it will be mandatory.
(6) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.
(7) Value (Allow Plural Selection) Specify the value of the control. You can specify more than one value.
* Mandatory field.

e.g.) If you import "8,Introduce a Product:,,Intend to introduce,,,Intend to introduce,Already introduced,Considering", the result will be as follows.

Introduce a Product: Intend to introduce Already introduced Considering

9. List Box
In the file, specify "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Initial State, Mandatory, Position to Add, Selection Value".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 9.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Lines Specify number of lines to be displayed. If you do not specified this field, it will be single selection list.
(5) Initial State Specify the value that will be selected as the default. You should specify one of the values you specified in "Value (Plural is acceptable)".
(6) Mandatory Specify whether selection is mandatory.
If you specify this field by "Mandatory" or "1", it will be mandatory.
(7) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.
(8) Value (Allow Plural Selection) Specify the value of the control. You can specify more than one value.
* Mandatory field.

e.g.) If you import "9,Select Industry:,,1,Manufacturing,,,Manufacturing,Trading,Services,Financial,Construction,School,Transportation", the result will be as follows.

Select Industry:

10. Attachment File
In the file, specify "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Mandatory, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 10.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(6) Mandatory Specify whether attachment file is mandatory.
If you specify this field by "Mandatory" or "1", it will be mandatory.
(7) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.

e.g.) If you import "10,Attachment,Mandatory,", the result will be as follows.

Attachments*Attach (N/A)

11. Auto Calculation
In the file, specify "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Value 1, Operator, Value2, Unit, Unit (Position), Decimal Places, Show/Hide Calculation Result, Position to Add".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 11.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
* Mandatory field.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Value 1 Specify the value for the calculation. This should be the row number of a control (for Number, Auto Calculation, Auto Calculation (Sum Up) only) or constant. Follow "*" with the row number of control to specify a control.
(5) Operator Specify the operator for [Value 1] and [Value 2].
Specify either "+" (addition), "-" (subtraction), "*" (multiplication) or "/" (division).
If you specify "+" or "0", the operator will be addition. If you specify "-" or "1", the operator will be subtraction. If you specify "*" or "2", the operator will be multiplication. If you specify "/" or "3", the operator will be division.
(6) Value 2 Specify the value for the calculation. This should be the row number of a control (for Number, Auto Calculation, Auto Calculation (Sum Up) only) or constant. Follow "*" with the row number of control to specify a control.
(7) Unit Specify the unit of the result. The maximum length is 63 byte.
(8) Unit (Position) Specify whether the unit specified in [Unit] filed will be displayed after or before the result.
If you specify "After" or "1", it will be displayed after the result. Otherwise it will be displayed before the result.
(9) Decimal Places Specify decimal point of the number.
Specify "0", "1" or "2".

* If you do not specify this field, it will be "0".
(10) Show/Hide Calculation Result Specify whether the result is displayed.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the result will not be displayed.
(11) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.

e.g.) If you import "11,Hourly wages,,8,*,900,Yen,After,,,", the result will be as follows.

Hourly wages 7200Yen

12.Auto Calculation (Sum Up)
In the file, specify "Control No., Title, Show/Hide Title, Unit, Unit (Position), Decimal Places, Show/Hide Calculation Result, Position to Add, Value (Allow Plural Selection)".

No. Field Description
(1) Control No. Specify 12.
(2) Title Specify the title of the control. The maximum length is 127 characters.
The specified title will be displayed at the left of the control.
* Mandatory field.
(3) Show/Hide Title Specify whether the text specified in [Title] field is displayed or not.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the title you specified in "Title" will not be displayed.
(4) Unit Specify the unit of the result. The maximum length is 63 byte.
(5) Unit (Position) Specify whether the unit specified in [Unit] filed will be displayed after or before the result.
If you specify "After" or "1", it will be displayed after the result. Otherwise it will be displayed before the result.
(6) Decimal Places Specify decimal point of the number.
Specify "0", "1" or "2".
(7) Show/Hide Calculation Result Specify whether the result is displayed.
If you specify this field by "H" or "1", the result will not be displayed.
(8) Position to Add Specify where the control is displayed.
If you specify this field by "Right" or "2", this control will be displayed at the right of the previous control. However if the previous control is "Label (Single Line)" or "Label (Multi Line)", and the "Text Alignment" is "Center" or "Right", this control will be displayed at under the previous control.
(9) Value (Allow Plural Selection) Specify totaled controls.
Specify the row number of a control (for Number, Auto Calculation, Auto Calculation (Sum Up) only).You can specify more than one values.

* Mandatory field.

e.g. If you import "12,Sum Up Test,,Yen,After,1,H,,1,2", the result will be as follows.

Sum Up Test1000Yen

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