Document Management

Document Management lets users to manage and share various information such as document files, image data as a document.
Such information can be categorized by folders and flexible access rights can be granted to specific groups, or users.
You can manage series of generation to keep documents up-to-date or rolls back.

* For more information, refer to  SmartViewer  .
Print Button

To Display Documents

The list of folders and documents in a folder you selected will be displayed.

To Create Document

When you press " Create Document" button, Create Document screen is displayed.
* You can attach multiple files in a documents, and set access rights to a document.

When the entry is complete, press "Add" button to save the data.

To View Document

When you press a link of Document Name, Details of Document screen is displayed.
The screen is changed according to the status of editing.

- A Complete Document

- A Document Being Edited

To Use Shortened URL of Document

You can shorten a URL of a screen and file and use a shortened URL in messages of such as Neotwi which limit number of characters of a message.

(Please refer to the explanation of  Neotwi  in user's manual for more details.)

To Edit Document

When you press "Edit Document" button in Details of Document, Edit Document screen is displayed.
* Users who do not have "Update" access right to a document cannot edit the document.

You can change any information of the information message.
Click "Update" button to save the changes.

* Data/Time Added is when the task was created. It remains even after updated. The last updated date and time is recorded in Last Updated.
* If you change content of a document, revision number is numbered and content before the change is save as history (You can save revised version of a document as many as the administrator setup)
* You can replace content of a document by previous revision. (Rollback function)

To Delete Documents

On Item Management And Check In/Out, Item Details or Edit Item screen, click "Delete" and Confirmation dialog will appear.
When you press "Yes" button, the documents are deleted. The documents are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.
* Users who do not have "Delete" access right to a document cannot delete the document.
* When "Delete Document by Owner" in [System Management > General Settings] is set to "Disallow", the owner of the document can delete it.
* When "Delete Confirmation Check Box" in [System Management > General Settings] is set to "Use", press the "Delete Document" check box in the [Confirmation] window to enable the "Yes" button.

Document Delete Confirmation Window

To View Revision History

When you press a link of Last Updated (History), Histories screen is displayed.
In the list of revisions, you can view histories, owner of document, Last Updated.
You can also replace the current document by a previous revision of the document by using the rollback function.
* If a document has not been updated, no link is displayed in Last Updated (History) field.

To View Older Revision of Document

When you press a link of Document Name, the details of the revision for the document is displayed.
You can also replace the current document by the previous revision of the document by using the rollback function.

To Manage Folders

You can add, edit, delete and set access rights to folders in the list of folders.

* You can drag & drop a folder to move it on the list of folders screen.

To Setup Access Rights

You can setup flexible access rights of folders.
Basically each folder is a space involved with the owner, however you can appoint users who can be involved in each folder by setup access rights.

If you want to set access rights of a document, set access rights in Set Access Rights window of Create/Edit Document screen.
If you want to set access rights of a folder, set access rights in Access Rights Settings window of the list of folders screen.

* You can set the access rights to the child folders or documents within the access rights of the parent folder.

When the setup is complete, press "OK" button to save the data.

- About Change Rights

There are five types of rights: "Read", "Add", "Update", "Delete", and "Email Notification".
* If "Read" right is not set, you cannot set "Add", "Update", and "Delete" right and Email Notification. If you remove "Read" right, the user/group/role is removed automatically from the list.
* You cannot set Email Notification to "Everyone (All Users)".
* The owner of a folder can add, edit and delete documents and folders regardless of the access rights settings.

Press "OK" button to complete the setup.

- Confirmation when changing access rights
When you change access rights, a confirmation window for changing access rights to child folders is displayed.

- Do Not Change... Do not change the access rights of child folders and documents.
- Grant the same rights... Set the same access rights of the parent to child folders and documents.
- Add the users/groups/roles and rights newly selected... Add the users/groups/roles and rights newly selected to child folders and documents.
- Delete the users/groups/roles and rights unselected... Delete the users/groups/roles and rights unselected from child folders.

Click [OK] to change the option.
* Access rights of notification email is not applied to the subordinates folders.

* Access Rights of Document

There are three access rights: "Read", "Update", and "Delete".
* If "Read" right is not set, you cannot set "Update", and "Delete" right. If you remove "Read" right, the user/group/role is removed automatically from the list.
* The owner of a document can edit and delete the document regardless of the access rights settings.

Press "OK" button to complete the setup.

- Folder automatically created by Workflow application

If the system administrator has set "Yes" in the "Application Storage Setting" field, the application will be stored in a folder in the Document Management application when the last approver has approved it.
A new folder named "Workflow" will be created automatically if you have not specified a certain folder.
(Created Automatically) is displayed in Created By field.
Please refer to  Workflow > To Setup General Settings  in the user's manual for more detail.

To Search Documents

When you open the menu on the left side of screen, the document search function appears.
You can find events by entering the conditions, such as keyword, folder, date updated.