Amazon Business (System Management)

You have the permission to do the following two major functions in the System Management of Amazon Business.

- Giving application administrator roles to users to let them perform application management tasks of Amazon Business. (They are called Application Administrators.)
- Configuring the settings which affect the entire application: for example, the setting of how many items to display on screen.

* These functions are available only when you have an administrator account.

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Initial Settings

You see the initial settings page if you have not set up Amazon Business integration.
Follow the guide to configure the settings.

To See Current Settings

Click "Current Settings" of Settings Menu to go to Current Settings screen. You can see the current settings of Amazon Business.

To Setup General Settings

Click "General Settings" of Settings Menu and go to General Settings screen.
You can configure the general settings of Amazon Business.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Setup Application Administrators

Click "Administrator Settings" of Settings Menu to go to Administrator Settings screen.
You can setup the application administrators of Amazon Business.
A user who has been assigned as the application administrator can use application administration functions.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.