Workflow (Application Form Management)

There are following two major functions in the application form management of Workflow.
The data created in the application form management can be sued by any user.
* If access rights are set to data, users, groups, roles that have access rights can use the data.

- Add,edit and delete workflow steps
- Add, edit, delete, import, and export application forms consisting of title, form, and workflow steps.

* Administrators and users who are assigned to the Workflow application administrator or application form/Workflow administrator can use these functions.

Print Button

To Set Workflow Steps

When you press the link of Application Form Management > Workflow Steps Settings in Settings menu, Workflow Steps Settings is displayed.
You can add, edit, and delete workflow steps which are used when creating applications.
The workflow steps created in Workflow Steps Settings can be used by any user.
* If access rights are set to workflow steps, users, groups, roles that have access rights can use the workflow steps.

To Add Workflow Steps

When you press "Add Workflow Steps" in the list of workflow steps screen, Add Workflow Steps screen is displayed.

Click "Add" button to save the changes.

To Edit Workflow Steps

When you press a link of Workflow Steps, Edit Workflow Steps screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Workflow Steps

When you press "Delete" button file in the list of workflow steps or Edit Workflow Steps screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the workflow steps are deleted. The workflow steps are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Set Category

When you press the link of Application Form Management > Category Settings in Settings menu, Category Settings is displayed. You can add, edit, and delete category of application forms.

To Add Category

When you press "Add Category" in the list of categories screen, Add Category screen is displayed.

Click "Add" button to save the changes.

To Edit Category

When you press a link of categories, Edit Category screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Category

When you press "Delete" button file in the list of categories or Edit Category screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the categories are deleted. The categories are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Set Application Forms

When you press the link of Application Form Management > Application Form (Title/Form/Steps) Settings in Settings menu, Application Form Settings is displayed.
You can add, edit, and delete forms consisting of title, form, and workflow steps.
The application forms created in Application Form Settings can be used by any user.
* If access rights are set to an application form, users, groups, roles that have access rights can use the application for

To Add Application Form

When you press "Add Application Form" button in the list of application forms, Add Application Form screen is displayed.

- Basic Settings tab (Edit format)

- Settings when applying

- Settings when approving

- Edit Workflow Step

Click "Add" button to save the changes.

To Edit Application Form

When you press a link of Application Form Name, Edit Application Form screen is displayed.

* A warning message appears on the top of the screen, if the specified folder of Document Management, in which your applications are supposed to be stored, has been deleted. Please confirm the settings of the storage folder.

- When the application is AppSuite form application.
When the application is AppSuite form application

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Application Forms

When you press "Delete" button on the list of application forms or Edit Application Form screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the application forms are deleted. The applications are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Add Form from File (Import)

When you press the link of Application Form Management > Import Form in Settings menu, Import Form screen is displayed.
You can add a form by importing a file.

After all entries are completed, when you press "Import" button, importing a form is started.

To Save Form to File (Export)

When you press the link of Application Form Management > Export Form in Settings menu, Export Form screen is displayed.
You can save a form to a file.
* You cannot export application form that integrates with AppSuite app.