Workflow (Application Management)

There are following five major functions in the application management of Workflow.

- View, delete, download, remand, cancel applications.
- Add, edit, and delete sequence numbers.
- Set group internal approvers.
- User's Absence Assistant Settings.
- Set application form/Workflow administrators.

* Administrators and users who are assigned to the Workflow application administrator can use these functions.

Print Button

To Manage Applications

When you press the link of Application Management in Settings menu, the list of users is displayed.
You remand, edit, and delete applications.
* Application administrators who manage only belonging group can manage applications created by users who belong to her/his belonging groups.
* Application administrators who manage the selected users can manage applications created by users who belong to the selected groups.

To Check Details of Application

When you press a link of Title, Details of Application screen is displayed.
You can check details of the application and its approving status.

- Application with AppSuite Form

- Re-applied Application

A link to the past application is displayed.

To Search Applications

When you open the menu on the left side of screen, the application search function appears.
You can find applications by entering various conditions, such as Title, Status, Keyword, Applicant, Priority, and Date Created.

To Set Sequence No. Setting

When you press the link of Sequence No. Setting in Settings menu, Sequence No. Setting screen is displayed.
You can add, edit, and delete sequence numbers which are used when creating applications.

To Add Sequence No.

When you press "Add Sequence No." button in the list of sequence numbers, Add Sequence No screen is displayed.

Click "Add" button to save the changes.

To Edit Sequence No.

When you press a link of Sequence No. Setting in the list of sequence Nos, Edit Sequence No. is displayed.

The current value of the sequence No. and applications in which the sequence No. is used are displayed.
Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Sequence Numbers

When you press "Delete" button file in the list of sequence numbers or To Edit Sequence No. screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the sequence numbers are deleted. The sequence No.s are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Set Group Internal Approvers Settings

When you press the link of Group Internal Approvers Settings in Settings menu, Group Internal Approvers Settings is displayed.
If "Group Internal Approvers Approve" is selected in a workflow step, who approves an application is set.

To Display the Absence Assistant Settings for Each User list

When you press the link of User's Absence Assistant Settings in Settings menu, User's Absence Assistant Settings screen is displayed.

To Display the Absence Assistant Settings for Each User list

To Set User's Absence Assistant Settings

When you click a user name from the Absence Assistant Settings list, User's Absence Assistant Settings screen is displayed.

To Set User's Absence Assistant Settings

- Delegate the Approval to Other User
Delegate the Approval to Other User

- Approve Automatically
Approve Automatically

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Application Form/Workflow Administrator Settings

When you press the link of Application Form/Workflow Administrator Settings in Settings menu, Application Form/Workflow Administrator Settings is displayed.
Application Form Management menu is displayed for users who set as Application Form/Workflow Administrator.
In Application Form Management, the users can Workflow Steps Settings, Application Form Settings, Import/Export Form functions.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.