Workflow (Personal Settings)

You can customize some of settings on Personal Settings screen of each application.
This chapter indicates how to do that. * Contents that can be set differs for each application.

Print Button

To Set Display Settings of Workflow

When you press the link of Display Settings in Settings menu, Display Settings screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Workflow Steps

When you press the link of Personal Setting > Application Settings > Workflow Steps Settings in Settings menu, Workflow Steps Settings screen is displayed.
You can add, edit, and delete workflow steps which are used when creating applications.

To Add Workflow Steps

When you press "Add Workflow Steps" in the list of workflow steps screen, Add Workflow Steps screen is displayed.

Click "Add" button to save the changes.

To Edit Workflow Steps

When you press a link of Workflow Steps, Edit Workflow Steps screen is displayed.

To Edit Workflow Steps

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Workflow Steps

When you press "Delete" button file in the list of workflow steps or Edit Workflow Steps screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the workflow steps are deleted. The workflow steps are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Set Application Forms

When you press the link of Personal Setting > Application Settings > Application Form Settings in Settings menu, Application Form Settings screen is displayed.
You can add, edit, and delete application forms consisting of title, form, workflow steps.

To Add Application Form

When you press "Add Application Form" button in the list of application forms, Add Application Form screen is displayed.

- Edit Workflow Step View

Click "Add" button to save the changes.

To Edit Application Form

When you press a link of Application Form Name, Edit Application Form screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Application Forms

When you press "Delete" button on the list of application forms or Edit Application Form screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the application forms are deleted. The applications are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Add Form from File (Import)

When you press the link of Personal Setting > Application Settings > Import Form in Settings menu, Import Form screen is displayed.
You can add a form by importing a file.

After all entries are completed, when you press "Import" button, importing a form is started.

To Save Form to File (Export)

When you press the link of Personal Setting > Application Settings > Export Form in Settings menu, Export Form screen is displayed.
You can save a form to a file.

To Set Absence Assistant

When you press the link of Absence Assistant Settings in Settings menu, Absence Assistant Settings screen is displayed.
You can set the absence assistant function if you are absence and cannot check applications.

- Delegate the Approval to Other User

- Approve Automatically

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Notification upon Receipt

When you press the link of Notification upon Receipt in Settings menu, Notification upon Receipt screen is displayed
Choose whether to receive a notification upon receipt of a questionnaire.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.