To Display List of Users
You can display users information in a list.
Users who belong to the group you selected are displayed.
When you press "Select Group" button, Group Selection window is displayed.
The search function searches in the "Name" and "Nickname" field by keywords.
* If you want to specify more than one keyword, use space to separate keywords.
* Specifying multiple keywords will perform "OR" search. This means the search results contain either one or more keywords that you specified.
The list of users is displayed.
Name, Belonging Group, Job Title, Extension, Email Address are displayed.
When you click a link of Name, the details of the user is displayed.
An email address of each user is displayed.
You can link the email address field to your mailer or WebMail.
* To use this feature, setup Email Address Link option in Design Settings. When you double click a contact, the detail of contact screen is displayed.
To Display Detail of User
When you click a link of Name, the details of the user is displayed in a window.
The information entered is displayed.
You can send Whereabouts message, email, or direct message to a user.
Please refer to the explanation of Whereabouts > To Create a Message (Dialog) in User's Manual for Whereabouts message.
Please refer to the explanation of Neotwi > To Send Direct Message in User's Manual for direct message.
* The email icon is displayed if email address is set to the user.
* To use this feature, setup Email Address Link option in Design Settings. When you double click a contact, the detail of contact screen is displayed.
* Whereabout message icon, email icon, and direct message icon is not displayed if you display your own profile.
To Search Users
When you open the menu on the left side of screen, the user search function appears.
You can find users by entering the conditions, such as name, email address.
* If you want to specify more than one data, use space to separate data.
* Specifying multiple keywords will perform "OR" search. This means the search results contain either one or more keywords that you specified.