User Directory

User Directory displays users of desknet's NEO in the list.
When you click a user name, you can view the user's information which has been added by the user.

You can narrow down to users by entering a name or nickname as a search condition.
You can also use the directory as group members directory or the list of extensions, and send an email message by clicking an email address of a user.
* If you want to use WebMail integration, WebMail application has to be available.

Print Button

To Display List of Users

You can display users information in a list.

To Display Detail of User

When you click a link of Name, the details of the user is displayed in a window.

To Display Detail of User

To Search Users

When you open the menu on the left side of screen, the user search function appears.
You can find users by entering the conditions, such as name, email address.

* If you want to specify more than one data, use space to separate data.
* Specifying multiple keywords will perform "OR" search. This means the search results contain either one or more keywords that you specified.