Visitor Management (Application Management)

You have the permission to do the following three major functions in the Application Management of Visitor Management.

- Managing all appointments of visitors.
- Creating, editing, and deleting reception rooms.
- Assigning receptionists to reception rooms.
- Add, update and delete status of visitors.

* These functions are available only when you have an administrator account or are assigned as an application administrator.

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To Manage Appointments of Visitors

Click "Visitor Management" in the settings menu to see the list of appointments of the day.

The operations of visitor list, visitor details and contact details of application management is the same with the operations of general user's screen.
Please refer to the explanation of  Visitor Management  in the user's manual for more details.

To Manage Reception Rooms

Click "Reception Room Settings" in the settings menu to see the list of reception rooms.

To Create a Reception Room

Click "Add Reception Room" and go to Add Reception Room screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Edit a Reception Room

Click the link of a reception room's name and go to Edit Reception Room screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete a Reception Room

On Main or Edit Reception Room screen, click "Delete" and Confirmation dialog will appear.
The reception room will be deleted right after clicking "Yes." The deleted items cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Manage Receptionists

Click "Receptionist Settings" in the settings menu to see the list of reception rooms.
A person, assigned to a receptionist of a reception room, can manage appointments of visitors using the reception room.
* Create a reception room before assigning a receptionist.

To Assign Receptionists of Reception Rooms

Receptionist selection screen is displayed once you click a room name on the list of receptionist.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Display Sale Statuses

Click "Sale Status" in the settings menu to see a list of sale statuses.
Add a sale status to visitors and display a list of sale statuses.

To Add A Sale Status

Click "Add Sale Status" to go to Add Sale Status screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Edit A Sale Status

Click "Edit Sale Status" to go to Edit Sale Status screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete A Sale Status

Click "Delete" on main or delete screen and a confirmation dialog will be displayed.
The data will be deleted once you click "Yes" button. The data will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.