Schedule (Application Management)

You can setup the following six major functions in the application management of Schedule.

- Add, Display, Edit, and Delete events
- Add events from a file (Import), Save events to a file (Export)
- Manage users' access rights
- Add, edit, and delete event items which are used to add events
- Add, edit, and delete location items which are used to add events
- Add, edit, and delete icons which are used to add events

* Administrators and users who are assigned to the Schedule application administrator can use these functions.
* Administrators who manage only belonging group can use "Schedule Management", "Import from CSV File", "Export to CSV File", and "Access Rights Settings".

Print Button

To Manage Schedule

When you press the link of Schedule Management in Settings menu, Schedule Management screen is displayed.
In Schedule Management, you can view all events of any users and groups.
In addition, you can add, edit, and delete events of any users and groups.

If you are an application administrator to your belonging group, you can manage events with the following conditions.
  • Events of groups you belong and users in the groups : You can add, edit, delete the events.
  • Events of groups you do not belong and users in the groups : Depend on the access rights set for each user.
* You cannot edit or change an event if you do not have managing rights of your groups.

Application administrators who manage selected groups can manage events with the following conditions.
  • Events of your selected groups and users in the groups : You can add, edit, delete events.
  • Events of not your selected groups and users in the groups : Depend on the access rights set for each user.
* You cannot edit or change an event if you do not have managing rights of your selected groups.
You can use Schedule Management in the same operation as Schedule application using by general users.
Please refer to the explanation of  Schedule  in the user's manual for more details.

To Add Events from File (Import)

When you press the link of Import from CSV File in Settings menu, Import from CSV File screen is displayed.
You can add events from a file in one batch.

If you are an application administrator to your belonging group, you can manage events with the following conditions.
  • Events of groups you belong and users in the groups : You can add and edit events.
  • Events of groups you do not belong and users in the groups : You can add and/or edit events of users whom you have "Add" and/or "Update" access right.
* You cannot edit or change an event if you do not have managing rights of your groups.

If you are an application administrator to your selected groups, you can manage events with the following conditions.
  • Events of your selected groups and users in the groups : You can add and edit events.
  • Events of not your selected groups and users in the groups : You can add and/or edit events of users whom you have "Add" and/or "Update" access right.
* You cannot edit or change an event if you do not have managing rights of your selected groups.

After all entries are completed, when you press "Import" button, importing events is started.

* Updating irregular or recurring events will exclude the date from the original irregular or recurring events and create a new event.

To Save Events to File (Export)

When you press the link of Export to CSV File in Settings menu, Export to CSV File screen is displayed.
You can save events data to a file.

Application administrators who manage only belonging group can save events with the following conditions.
  • Events of groups you belong and users in the groups : You can save events.
  • Events of groups you do not belong and users in the groups : You can save events of users whom you have "Read" access right.

If you are an application administrator of your selected groups, you can save events with the following conditions.
  • Events of your selected groups and users in the groups : You can save events.
  • Events of not your selected groups : You can save events of users whom you have "Read" access right.

After all entries are completed, when you press "Export" button, exporting events is started.

To Setup Individual Access Rights

When you press the link of Access Rights Settings in Settings menu, Access Rights Settings screen is displayed.
Grant the right to read, add, update, delete events to other users.

To Grant Access Rights to Users

When you press a link of the name, Edit Individual Access Rights screen for the selected user is displayed.
Set access rights of schedules to other users, groups or roles.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

- About Change Rights

- There are six types of rights: "Read", "Add", "Update", "Delete", "Show Only Date/Time", "Show only Event and Date/Time".

Click "OK" button to complete the settings.

To Setup Individual Access Rights for Users in One Batch

When you press "Copy & Add" in Edit Individual Access Rights screen, "Select User" button is displayed.
You can set the same access rights to the users you selected.

Setting procedure is the same as how to setup for one user.
Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Setup Event Items

When you press the link of Basic Settings > Event Item Settings in Settings menu, the list of event items screen is displayed.
You can add, edit, and delete event items which can be used for event entry.
Event items can have their color which applies to events where the event item is selected in.
* Application administrators who manage only belonging group cannot use Event Item Settings.

To Add Event Item

When you press "Add Event Item" button, Add Event Item screen is displayed.

Click "Create" to save and create the data.

To Edit Event Item

When you press a link of the event item name, Edit Event Item screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Event Item

When you press "Delete" button on Recipient Whitelist Settings screen or Update Recipient screen, a confirmation window appears.
When you press "Yes" button, the event items are deleted. The deleted items cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Setup Location Items

When you press the link of Basic Settings > Location Item Settings in Settings menu, the list of location items screen is displayed.
You can add, edit, and delete location items which can be used for event entry.
* Application administrators who manage only belonging group cannot use Location Item Settings.

To Add Location Item

When you press "Add Location Item" button, Add Location Item screen is displayed.

Click "Create" to save and create the data.

To Edit Location Item

When you press a link of the location item name, Edit Location Item screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Location Item

When you press "Delete" button on Recipient Whitelist Settings screen or Update Recipient screen, a confirmation window appears.
When you press "Yes" button, the location items are deleted. The deleted items cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Setup Icons

When you press the link of Basic Settings > Icons Settings in Settings menu, the list of icons screen is displayed.
You can add, edit, and delete icons which can be used for event entry.
* Application administrators who manage only belonging group cannot use Icons Settings.

To Add Icon

When you press "Add Icons" button, Add Icons screen is displayed.

Click "Create" to save and create the data.

To Edit Icon

When you press a link of the icon name, Edit Icon screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Icons

When you press "Delete" button on the list of icons or Edit Icon screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the icons are deleted. The icons will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.