AppSuite (Additional)

This is a detailed document for using the features of AppSuite.

Print Button

Workflow App

Parts to Be Searched for Keywords on Workflow

Text (1 Line) Yes
Text (Multi Line) Yes
Check Box Yes
Radio Button Yes
Pull Down Yes
List Box Yes
Number Yes
Date No
Time No
Date/Time No
Attachment Files Yes
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Characters) Yes
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Number) Yes
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Date) No
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Date/Time) No
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Period) No
Rich Text Yes
Select User Yes
Select Group Yes
Table Part Yes
Reference List No
Reference Part No
Text No

* System part (e.g. Data ID, Workflow System ID) is not searched for keywords.
* Parts which is not layout on default details screen is not searched for keywords.
* Part values are searched upto 2000 characters (At Oracle edition, 4000 bytes).
* At attachment file, file name chataters are searched.
* At table part, name and value of parts in it are searched.

Parts That Can Be Used as Branch Condition Item

Entries in branch condition varies type of parts. Each AppSuite parts deal as following type on branch condition settings.

Type on AppSuite Available Type on Workflow
Text (1 Line) Yes Text Box (Single Line)
Text (Multi Line) Yes Text Box (Multi Line)
Check Box Yes Text Box (Multi Line)
Radio Button Yes Radio Button
Pull Down Yes Pull down
List Box Yes Text Box (Multi Line)
Number Yes Number
Date No
Time No
Date/Time No
Attachment Files Yes Text Box (Multi Line)
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Characters) Yes Text Box (Single Line)
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Number) Yes Number
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Date) No
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Date/Time) No
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Period) No
Rich Text Yes Text Box (Multi Line)
Select User Yes Text Box (Multi Line)
Select Group Yes Text Box (Multi Line)
Table Part Yes Text Box (Multi Line)
Reference List No
Reference Part No
Text No

* System part (e.g. Data ID, Workflow System ID) cannot be used as branch condition entry.
* Parts except for auto calculation which is not layout on default details screen cannot be used as branch condition entry.
* Part values are searched upto 2000 characters (At Oracle edition, 4000 bytes).
* At attachment file, file name chataters are searched.
* At table part, name and value of parts in it are searched.

Parts to Be Included in Downloaded Workflow Application

Text (1 Line) Yes
Text (Multi Line) Yes
Check Box Yes
Radio Button Yes
Pull Down Yes
List Box Yes
Number Yes
Date No
Time No
Date/Time No
Attachment Files Yes
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Characters) Yes
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Number) Yes
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Date) No
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Date/Time) No
Auto Calculation (Display Format: Period) No
Rich Text Yes
Select User Yes
Select Group Yes
Table Part Yes
Reference List No
Reference Part No
Text No

* System part (e.g. Data ID, Workflow System ID) is not included in downloaded application.
* Parts which is not layout on default details screen is not included in downloaded application.
* Part values in downloaded application is upto 2000 characters (At Oracle edition, 4000 bytes).
* Attachment files values in downloaded application is name of attached files.
* Table part values in downloaded application is space or line break separeted name and values.
"Name Department Age
Steven Paterson Business 32
Sonia Fisher Development 26"

Displayable Parts And Applied Settings in Workflow for Mobile App And Browser

Name and value of parts are displayed on vertically flow layout. Part names cannot be hidden.
Part Applied AppSuite Settings
Text (1 Line)
Text (Multi Line)
Check Box
Radio Button
Pull Down
List Box
Number Decimal Places
Use comma separators
Date Date Format > For Detailed Screen (*1)
Date/Time Date Format > For Detailed Screen (*1)
Attachment Files
Auto Calculation (Same as part which type is display format of calculation result)
Rich Text
Select User User Display (*1)
Select Group
Table Part Details of Table Part
Reference List Details of List
User User Display (*1)
Reference Part (Same as referring part)
*1 They are settings in [App Settings Menu > Others].
* Text, horizontal line, vertical line, rectangle and image is not displayed.
* Signs is not displayed.