ToDo (Personal Settings)

You can customize some of settings on Personal Settings screen of each application.
This chapter indicates how to do that. * Contents that can be set differs for each application.

Print Button

To Set Display Settings of ToDo

Click "Display Settings" of Settings Menu and go to Display Settings screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Reminder

Click "Reminder Settings" of Settings Menu and go to Reminder Settings screen.
You can dictate what time to get task reminders.
* This menu item does not appear when:
  • An administrator set "Email Notification" to "Do Not Use" in Mail Server Settings.
  • An administrator set "Reminder" to "Do Not Use" in desknet's NEO Menu Settings.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Setup Access Rights

Click "Access Rights Settings" of Settings Menu and go to Access Rights Settings screen.
You can dictate who, what groups or roles are able to read and add tasks for you.
* This feature is not available when the administrator set "User Right Setting" to "Disallow" on Setup > Basic Settings > User Right Setting screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

- To Change Access Rights

There are two access rights: "Read" and "Add".
* You cannot apply the right to add without that to read. If you remove the right to read on a user, group, or role, it will be automatically removed from the list of Access Rights Setting.

Click "OK" button to complete the settings.

To Manage Labels

Click "Label Settings" of Settings Menu and go to Label Settings screen.
You can add, edit, and delete labels.

To Create a Label

Click "Add Label" and go to Add Label screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Edit a Label

Click the link of a label to go to Edit Label screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete a Label

When you press "Delete" button on Recipient Whitelist Settings screen or Update Recipient screen, a confirmation window appears.
The label will be deleted right after clicking "Yes". The labels will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.