
Portal lets users to collect variety of information used in each function of desknet's NEO in one place.
There are three types of portal available. "Common Portal" and "Group Portal" can be customized by administrators, the user can be customized with your own taste of "Private Portal".

The portal is scalable, for example, external web apps and original apps (gadgets, Blog part) can be incorporated into the same portal.

Print Button

To Display Portal

Display portal page which each item of information is to be aggregated.
You can display each one of portals, "Common Portal", "Group Portal" and "Private Portal" by selecting the tab.

To Switch by Tabs

There are three types tabs: "Common", "Group" and "Private". General users can edit only "Private" portal.
Users can add and remove content freely and change the layout in "Private" portal.
* If Initial Screen is set to "Previously Displayed Portal" in [Application Management] - [Portal Settings], the portal screen which was displayed last is displayed after login.