Notepad (Application Settings)

You have the permission to do the following two functions in the Application Management of Notepad.

- Checking amount of used space of each user
- Managing (Seeing, editing, and deleting) notes of each user

* These functions are available only when you have an administrator account or are assigned as an application administrator.

Print Button

To Manage Notes of Each User

Click "Notepad Management" of Settings Menu to see the list of users.
It shows how much space each user takes.
You can see, edit, and delete notes of each user.

To Display List of Notes of a User

Click a link of "Used Space" to see the list of notes of the user.
You can see the details of and delete notes.
* Be careful enough to delete notes of other users.

On Notepad Management screen, you can go through the same procedure as in the user's manual.
* You cannot manage labels on Notepad Management screen.
Please refer to the explanation of  Notepad .