Setup - Basic Settings (System Management)

You can setup the following nine major settings in Basic Settings.

- Company Information Settings
- Language and Time Zone Settings
- Login Option Settings
- Password Policy Settings
- Individual Access Rights Settings
- Attachments Usage Settings
- Attachments Size Settings
- License Settings
- Data Retention Settings

* Only system administrators can use these functions.

Print Button

To Set Company Information Settings

When you press the link of Basic Settings > Company Information Settings in Settings menu, Company Information Settings screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Language and Time Zone Settings

When you press the link of Basic Settings > Language and Time Zone Settings in Settings menu, Language and Time Zone Settings screen is displayed.

The language settings are applied to the following.

The time zone is used as an offset value (time difference from the reference time).

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Login Option Settings

When you press the link of Basic Settings > Login Option Settings in Settings menu, Login Option Settings screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Password Policy Settings

Click Basic Settings > Password Policy Settings in settings menu to move to Password Policy Settings.

- About Password Expiration
When a password expired, a screen to enter a new password is displayed when log in. Enter a new password.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set User Right Setting

When you press the link of Basic Settings > User Right Setting in Settings menu, User Right Setting screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Usage of Attachment File

Go to Basic Settings > Attachments Usage Settings from the settings menu to display Attachments Usage Settings screen.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Set Size of Attachment File

When you press the link of Basic Settings > Size of Attachment File in Settings menu, Size of Attachment File screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.
* The Transportation/Expense feature's expense data has no limitation of attachment files.

To Set License Settings

When you press the link of Basic Settings > License Settings in Settings menu, License Settings screen is displayed.

- Other Customer Code
Other Customer Codes are displayed when "Other Customer Code" button is clicked.

To Add License Key

Add License Key dialogue is appeared when "Click to add a license" button is clicked.

When the entry is complete, press "OK" button to save the data.

To Set Data Retention Settings

When you press the link of Basic Settings > Data Retention Settings in Settings menu, Data Retention Settings screen is displayed.
Set the data retention period for each application. The old expired data is deleted automatically.
* Old records of each application will be deleted after being checked up whether their retention period has been over, when a record is created, updated, or deleted.
* It occurs once a day.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.