Document Management (System Management)

You can setup the following two major settings in the system management of Document Management.

- Settings of application administrators who can use the application management menu of Document Management
- Settings involved in the overall functions such as number of items displayed per page
- Settings of automatic capture to Document Management from directory and email.

* Only administrators can use the functions.

Print Button

To See Current Settings

When you press the link of Current Settings in Settings menu, Current Settings screen is displayed.
You can check the status of various settings of Document Management.

To Setup General Settings

When you press the link of General Settings in Settings menu, General Settings screen is displayed.
You can setup the general settings of Document Management.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Setup File Download Settings

When you press the link of File Download Settings in Settings menu, File Download Settings screen is displayed.
You can setup the file batch download settings.

Configure General Settings

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Setup Application Administrators

When you press the link of Administrator Settings in Settings menu, Administrator Settings screen is displayed.
You can setup the application administrators of Document Management.
The users who are assigned to the application administrator can use the application management functions.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Add Files from Specified Directory Automatically

When you press the link of File Capturing Settings in Settings menu, File Capturing Settings screen is displayed. Files in a directory of a web server are captured and stored in a folder of Document Management.

To Add Capturing Setting from File

When you press "Add Capturing Setting" button in the list of file capturing settings, Add Capturing Setting screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.
The files in the target directory will be deleted after capturing.
Please do not specify such as the system folder of OS, install folders of middleware, program folders of desknet's NEO.

To Edit Capturing Setting from File

When you press a link of Target Directory in the list of file capturing settings, Edit Capturing Setting screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Capturing Settings from File

When you press "Delete" button file in the list of capturing settings or To Edit Capturing Setting screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the settings are deleted. The settings are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.

To Add Files from Email Attachments Automatically

When you press the link of Email Capturing Settings in Settings menu, Email Capturing Settings screen is displayed.
Attachment files of email message received on an email server you specified are captured and stored in a folder of Document Management.
* If more than one file attached in an email message, they are stored in one document.

To Add Capturing Setting from Email

When you press "Add Capturing Setting" button in the list of email capturing settings, Add Capturing Setting screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Edit Capturing Setting from Email

When you press a link of Target user ID, Edit Capturing Setting screen is displayed.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Capturing Settings from Email

When you press "Delete" button file in the list of capturing settings or To Edit Capturing Setting screen, a confirmation window is displayed.
When you press "Yes" button, the settings are deleted. The settings are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

To Setup Capturing Intervals Settings

When you press the link of Capturing Intervals Settings in Settings menu, Capturing Intervals Settings screen is displayed.
Setup the start time, and capturing intervals which apply to the file capturing settings and email capturing settings.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.
* The owner of documents saved automatically is "System Administrator".

To Run Capturing from Batch File

In addition to run the capturing function by "Capturing Intervals Settings", you can also run the capturing function from the command line by using a Windows batch file or a UNIX cron.
* From version V3.5R1.2, batch files will only be executed automatically by Scheduler.

You can run the capturing function only once when you start the server. However, if you start up the server every day (for example, you shut down the server after the working time), you have to run the capturing function too.
In order to reduce the effort of such, you can run the capturing function from the command line.

The following describes the procedure of the automatic capturing from the command line each of Windows OS and UNIX (Solaris and Linux).

* If you are using a Windows Server:
You can use the Windows tasks scheduler to start the program automatically.

* If you are using a UNIX (Linux, Solaris)...
You can use the "cron" command to start the program automatically.