To See List of Expense Claims
The screen show the list of your expense claims.
You can create, edit, and delete ones; report some or all of them; see whether you received reimbursements.
To Create an Expense Claim
Click "Create Expense Claim" and go to Create Expense Claim screen.
Enter the date of the expense claim.
When you click an entry field, a calendar will be displayed.
* Enter a date in MM/dd/yyyy format, numeric.
Select a title of the expense claim.
* You can choose any of titles which the application administrator created.
Enter the details.
Enter the amount.
Define whether you would like to send a report of the expense claim to your recipients right after saving the data.
Otherwise, you can do it in the list of Main screen.
* You need to select your recipients on Personal Settings > Recipients Settings screen before claiming.
* You can file expense claims only when the application administrator selected common recipients.
Click "Add" button to save and add the data.
To See the Details of a Expense Claim
Click the link of an expense claim in the list and go to Expense Details screen, which provides a function to edit the data.
This shows the status of the expense claim:
Unpaid: The expense claim was unpaid.
Paid: The expense claim was paid.
This shows the details of the expense claim.
To Edit a Expense Claim
On Expense Details screen, click "Edit Expense Claim" and go to Edit Expense Claim screen.
You can edit anything you did when created.
Click "Update" button to save the changes.
To Delete a Expense Claim
On Main, Expense Details, or Edit Expense Claim screen, click "Delete" and Confirmation dialog will appear.
When you press "Yes" button, the expense claim will be deleted. The expense claim will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Please take note.
To Search Expense Claims
The option area of Side Pane has the Search Expense Claim feature.
You can search expense claims with various criteria: Keyword and Date.
The search finds expense claims which Details contain the words you typed in Keyword box.
* If you want to specify more than one keyword, use space to separate keywords.
* Specifying multiple keywords will perform "OR" search. This means the search results contain either one or more keywords that you specified.
You can specify range of Date.
When you click an entry field, a calendar will be displayed.
* Enter a date in MM/dd/yyyy format, numeric.
Click "Search" and you will see the list of results.
"" clears all search criteria.
To Use Convenience Tools
You can find the convenience tools of Expense Claim in Side Pane.
They are "Import from CSV File" and "Export to CSV File".
You can import data of expense claims from a CSV file.
When you press the link ,CSV Import screen is displayed.
For more information, see To Import Expense Claims .
You can export data of expense claims to a CSV file.
When you press the link ,CSV Export screen is displayed.
For more information, see To Export Expense Claims .
To Import Expense Claims
Click "Import from CSV File" in the option area of Side Pane and open Import from CSV File screen.
You can create expense claims by bring data of a CSV file.
When all done, click "Import" and importing will start running.
To Export Expense Claims
Click "Export to CSV File" in the option area of Side Pane and open Export to CSV File screen.
You can download a CSV file of your expense claims.
Enter range of Period; from when to when you would like to export the data of.
When you click an entry field, a calendar will be displayed. Click a date on the calendar, and it will be set to the field.
* Enter a date in MM/dd/yyyy format, numeric.
These are fields of expense claims. You can sort the order.
* Press and hold down the mouse button over a field name and move the mouse up and down and release the mouse button on desired place to change the order.
Select a character encoding and a delimiter.
Press Change Settings link to change the character encoding and delimiter options.
Select a character encoding.
Select a delimiter.
When all done, click "Export" and exporting will start running.