WebMail IMAP (Application Management)

You can manage the email accounts of the users in the application management of WebMail IMAP.
* Administrators and users who are assigned to the WebMail IMAP application administrator can use these functions.

Print Button

To Display Email Accounts

When you press the link of Account Settings > Account Settings in Settings menu, the list of accounts is displayed.

- List of email accounts

To Add Account to User

Click a user name, who is stated as "There are no applicable data." in the Email Address column, and the Add Account screen appears.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Edit Account of User

Click a user name who has already been assigned an email account, and the Edit Account screen appears.

Click "Update" button to save the changes.

To Delete Account

Click the "Delete" button in the Edit Account screen, and the confirmation window appears.
When you press "Yes" button, the accounts are deleted.