Initial Settings Guide Before Configuring SAML Authentication Integration

When installation is completed, an administrative user who has the privileges for configuration of the entire system is automatically registered to desknet's NEO.
Please add a setup menu for SAML Authentication Integration using this administrative user.

First, please login by selecting the administrative user.
(Initially, no password is set.)

When you login, the portal menu is displayed. Press "Setup" from the menu and configure Option Menu Settings according to your environment.

Print Button

1. Add Option Menu

Go to [Setup > Menu Settings > Option Menu Settings] and click "Add Option Menu”.

Add [SAML Authentication Integration Settings] to the menu. Please enter the following information. (Fields whose value is not specified are optional.)

Field Value
Menu Name

Enter a menu name.
ex. SAML Authentication Integration Settings

URL If your environment is a Linux server,
is all you need to enter. In case of a Windows server,
is all you need to enter.
Access Rights Settings Please select the role

Menu settings are now complete.
To make use of the menu set up above, please add it to Portal Menu and/or Palette Menu depending on the operation.