Rich text editor

Rich text editor is a rich text editor feature that you can edit and decorate text, such as change font size and text color as well as simple text editing.
You can align text, insert tables and tags to embed multimedia file (image, video, audio). You can also create links associated with the text and the URL of the website you want to open.
The representation method is compliant with the syntax of HTML, but some scripts and HTML tags are not available.

Print Button

Rich Text Editor Feature

In rich text editor, you can create and edit images, text, tables by using tool buttons without knowledge of HTML.
You can insert HTML tags manually.

Text Decollation
Video and Image
Find and replace

Insert an image from Cabinet.

When you press "Insert File" button at the top of the rich text editor, a window to select and insert an image file from Cabinet is displayed.
Select an image and press "OK" button to insert the image in the rich text editor.

- "Insert Image" button
* "Insert Image" button is displayed at the top of the rich text editor in Information application and Private/Common Portal Design Settings.
* This feature is not available other than the rich text editor in Information application and Private/Common Portal Design Settings.
* "Insert Image" button is not displayed when Cabinet application is set to "Do Not Use" in desknet's NEO Menu Settings.

- Insert File Window

When you press "OK" button, the selected image is inserted in the rich text editor.