desknet's Multilingual Manual
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This is the list of limitation when using desknet's.

Application Title Limitations
Common On a list screen, when more than one user change the display order at the same time, the display order may be changed to unexpected order.
To access desknet's from outside, "neoimage", "neojs" and "neopub" (from Version 8) directories should be open to the public.
When using JavaScript, the user, facility and group selection screen is pop up. If a user use mouse wheel on the screen, entire browser screen will be scrolled.
When using JavaScript, the user, facility and group selection screen is pop up. The balloon which is displayed when selecting a user or facility may be displayed without line break.
When the button for Multiple Attachment Files function (Flash) is displayed and the Internet temporary files are deleted, desknet's may not work properly.
After adding attachment files by the Multiple Attachment Files function and going to another screen, if you back to the previous screen by using browser's back button, the attachment file information may be initialized.
The maximum size of attachment files which are attached by using the Multiple Attachment Files function depend on the web server's settings.
Portal If the sticky note is embedded on the portal, the sticky note should be displayed as a content. Otherwise the note is not displayed.
When displaying schedule, the date selection in the schedule remains until logout.
(For example, if you choose the date a week after in Schedule application and open Whereabouts, and then open the portal, the events in the next week are displayed.)
In the [Day] or [Week] screen which is displayed vertically, since events with the "Banner" option is not displayed as the banner, the display order of the events is differ from the order in the horizontal [Day], [Week] screen.
When the default group is not set to a user, the schedule content, [Group/Week] is not displayed for the user's portal.
After opening, closing or moving a content on the portal and going to an application such as Schedule, when going back to the portal screen by using browser's back button, the previous operation may be undid.
When a content which uses JavaScript, an error may occurr on the screen.
(In this case, using "Frame" in the content works around the problem.
When adding a content which is using Flash, "Flash Player" is needed to be installed.
If Flash Player 10 or higher is not installed, the Multiple Attachment Files Function cannot be used.
When [x] button is clicked, the background color is displayed in transparent grey, however the color may be non-transparent grey due to browser's settings.
Information Even if [Use JavaScript] in [General Design Settings] is set to "Do Not Use", the rich text editor can be used.
Document If the server OS is Linux and the system's character code is not UTF-8, directories which name contains CJK character may not be used for the File Capturing function.
When using Internet Explorer 8 in Windows7 and the protected mode is on in [Network]-[Internet Option]-[Security], files which were captured by using the File Capturing function may not be open.
Browser Downloading attachment files in Mac Safari does not work properly.
In Mac Safari, when click [OK] button on the error screen for login fairer, the browser operation is no longer available.
In Mac Safari, "\" is displayed as "/".
In Firefox, when long text data is displayed the screen size may be wider because the data is displayed without line break.
In Firefox, if Firefox add-on, "YSlow" is running, a JavaScript error may occur when opening an entry screen.
In Firefox, if the cash is disabled, downloading attachment file may not work.
In Internet Explorer, an error message may be displayed when using the rich text editor in Information application and inserting a schema which is not supported by Internet.
In Internet Explorer, the block message may be displayed when opening the entry screen in Information application.
The moving with tab button on the user, facility, group selection screen may not work in some browsers.
In Internet Explorer, when zooming out, the size of the list box in user and group selection is not changed.


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